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All I Want: A Valentine Family Novella (The Valentine Family Book 1) Page 4

  "Myra." His voice had taken on a husky tone. "I'm glad you decided to come." He paused a moment, as if assessing her, cataloguing her response. “Are you alright?”

  He looked mouth-watering in black slacks that hugged his muscular thighs, and a grey knit sweater that showed off his broad shoulders and chest. Liam reached down to her and she lifted her hand to take his, letting him pull her up to stand in front of him. Her heart pounded in her chest at the way he looked at her while he continued to hold her hand, just staring down at her with that tic in his jaw. She nodded feebly, squirming inwardly, sliding her eyes to the ground, wishing she hadn’t put her gloves on, because she wanted to feel the comfort of his skin against hers more than anything else just then.

  "Come on guys!" Rhonda called, breaking the spell of the moment.

  "I guess we should go.” Myra sighed with a shrug and walked away from Liam, kicking herself as she went. Why did he get to her like that? Liam was her brother's best friend, someone she'd known for ten years. Ok, yeah, maybe she was in love with him, but there was no chance he had feelings for her. Women approached him all the time. Beautiful, sophisticated, worldly women who were perfect for him. She was clumsy and cute and not sophisticated at all. Plus, he was thirty-three and she was only twenty-one. Why couldn't her stupid hormones get the message?

  For a girl who grew up in San Diego and was in general, classified as clumsy, Myra was as good on ice as she was on a surfboard, and it was plain to see that she loved the rink. Liam watched her guide Brody and Adrian in circles in the center of the rink and his heart clenched at the beauty of the scene, the sweet sound of her laughter making him smile. He was focused on Myra, not paying attention to where he was going, when he smacked into another skater.

  "I'm sorry," he apologized immediately, reaching down to help the woman who’d landed flat on her ass in front of him. "I should have been watching where I was going."

  "It's ok." The girl replied cheerfully, smiling up at him. "I was watching them too." She nodded towards Myra. "They're beautiful, your wife?"

  Liam shook his head, helping the girl get steadied on her feet. "Not yet." He smiled at the girl and she looked back to Myra. "You better get on it then, big guy. A girl like that doesn't stay single for long." She gave him a wink before skating gracefully away.

  Liam studied the trio happily making smooth figure eights on the ice, and thought about how he'd like nothing more than to 'get right on that'. Myra was the woman for him, he just needed to figure out how to make her see that she was.

  "Myra, your hot chocolate."

  Myra smiled at Liam when he set the steaming mug in front of her, then laughed when she looked down at the cup. "Liam, where did you get marshmallows?"

  He just smiled that smile that melted her heart and lowered his large frame into the small chair next to hers. "I'm well prepared for any occasion." He told her meaningfully, still smiling at her.

  "Ok, guys.” Her father interrupted. “I know it's late and we've all had a great time skating. The kids are tired and we want to go home, so let's make this quick."

  The family sat around a table at their favorite after-skate coffee shop. Paul Valentine was about to make the same plans they made every year for their trek to the cabin at Lake Arrowhead. Myra looked across the table at Marilyn and they both rolled their eyes. Their dad did this every year, and every year you got the same job you’d been doing for all the previous years.

  Marilyn and Joshua brought the meats, Rhonda and James brought the potatoes and breads, Liam and Keegan brought the beer, wine, and champagne, Brenda and Paul brought vegetables and breakfast foods, and Myra did the desserts.

  She tried to concentrate on what her father was saying, but Liam's thigh rested against hers, the heat radiating off him burning through her. Scolding herself mercilessly, she wished she could be cool and composed, but no, because she failed at things like that. Myra glanced up to the cause of her distress and sighed inwardly. Of course Liam’s leg touched hers, he was bigger than anyone else at the table, squashed in between herself and Keegan. He was probably touching Keegan's thigh too, but Keegan didn't care, why should she care?

  "Myra?" Her head snapped around to look at her father.

  "Hmm?" She raised her eyebrows in question, feeling like the cat caught with its paw in the fishbowl.

  "Are you ok driving up early with Liam since Keegan can't this year?" Her dad looked at her expectantly.

  Liam and Keegan always went a couple days ahead of the family to get everything ready for the descent of the Valentine clan and their significant others on the large cabin, but now her dad wanted her to go with Liam? "Uh, yeah." She said slowly, feeling no confidence whatsoever that she would be able to keep her composure under such circumstances. "I guess I can do that."

  Chapter 8

  Over the next week, Myra called in sick to work every day. It wasn't a lie, when she told her boss she'd been nauseated, unable to sleep. The thought of going back to the office, seeing Adam there, literally made her sick to her stomach. She wanted to be brave, courageous, to face him down with fierce determination, but the cold fingers of fear that gripped her insides every time she got in her car to drive to the office, paralyzed her with unimaginable force.

  On Friday afternoon, a knock at her front door interrupted the Hallmark Christmas movie she'd been binging on. Her parents and siblings had all called in concern for her through the week, but she'd done a fabulous job at making them believe she was fighting a bug and would be fine in a few days. At least she thought she'd done a fabulous job.

  As she quickly scraped the pizza boxes off the table and bundled the multitude of blankets she'd wrapped around herself, she cursed her messy nature. She cursed again, then thought about hiding, pretending she wasn't home, when she looked through the peephole. That thought was dismissed when Liam's deep voice called out, "I know you're there, Myra."

  Damn it! "Uh, I'm coming!" She called as quietly as she dared.

  Myra ran trembling fingers through her messy hair, lifted an arm to test her smell, really wished she hadn't, then groaned in despair when he knocked again.

  "Myra. I know you're right there. Open the door. I don't care what kind of mess you're in."

  Ugh. This was not how she wanted Liam to see her, but she plastered a fake smile on her face and swung the door open anyway. "Liam! What are you doing here?" She kept that smile firmly in place, trying to use her body to block his view of her living room. Of course, that didn't work at all, because Liam was about a foot and half taller than she was, and had a perfect view straight over her head, and of course there was nothing wrong with his eyesight either.

  "Are you going to let me in?" His voice was low, eyes steady on her. The implication that he was talking about more than her apartment was heavy between them.

  She stepped to the side with a sweep of her hand. "Welcome to my humble abode."

  Liam stepped inside and turned to face her. Myra chewed her bottom lip, scurried to the sofa to make some room and invited him to sit. That look on his face was making her nervous, fidgety. She sat down two cushions away from him, squirming under his evaluative gaze.

  "So... You're here..." She played with the fuzz on one of her blankets, hating the way she got so frazzled with him.

  "Yes, I am."

  Liam was so steady, so calm. He didn't fidget, didn't try to fill the empty space with unnecessary words. Myra didn't know what to do with herself. She needed a shower, was embarrassed at the state of herself and her apartment, and wished he would just leave so she could get back to wallowing.

  "Um, so, why are you here? Exactly…?” She couldn't look him in the eyes, didn't want to see the disapproval she was sure was there.

  "Myra. What's wrong?" He prodded gently.

  "Nothing.” She answered too quickly. “Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all. Why would you think something's wrong? Mom talked to you? Or dad, Keegan maybe? Nope, I'm fine. A little under the weather,” A none-too-convincing cough left h
er throat. “But I'm doing just fine now."

  Dear lord, what was wrong with her? Why did she have to ramble like a mad woman? She needed to be calm, believable. Another cough, that seemed like a good idea. She covered her mouth, made a bigger coughing sound, kept her eyes firmly fixed on her lap.

  "I'll tell you what I know,” Liam told her in a low voice. “Make my offer, and let you decide what you want to do."

  She shifted her eyes briefly to his, then glanced away. "O-okay?”

  "You have a Christmas tree," He began. "That's not decorated. You have at least five pizza boxes, which means you haven't been going outside. The box of tissues is half empty, there are six mugs in various places, your hair is matted, your eyes are puffy, Hallmark channel is in full swing, and all the blankets you own are with you on this sofa."

  Myra felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She knew she was a mess, but hearing Liam say all that hit her right in the gut. He started to speak again, his voice soft now, soothing.

  "You've been through a traumatic experience."

  Her eyes flew to his. “I’m fine.”

  His eyes were warm and soft on hers. "Your family is worried about you, Love. I am too."

  She just about burst into tears right then and there, but held onto her composure for all she was worth. Love? Liam had never called her that before.

  "So, what's the offer?" She asked hesitantly, watched the corners of his mouth twitch upward.

  "Take a shower, put on something warm and comfortable, and come out with me. The Christmas Tree lighting is tonight. I want to take you."

  Myra wanted to go with him more than anything, but she didn't think she'd be the kind of company he wanted. She was just about to tell him so, when he spoke up.

  "I know I said I'd let you make the choice, but I see your hesitation, so I'm telling you. Go take a shower, Myra. I'm getting you out of this apartment."

  Well, how could she say no to that? She couldn't think of anything to say, actually, so she just got up and headed for the bathroom.

  On the drive to the Surf & Turf Fairgrounds where the Christmas Tree lighting would take place, Myra couldn't stop thinking that she had to be dreaming. When she'd emerged from the shower, she was taken aback at the sight of an outfit hanging on the bathroom door. Liam had seen her in the shower. Well, he hadn't actually seen her, but she'd been in the shower and he'd been right there, hanging those clothes on the door for her. She didn't know if she was relieved or disappointed that he'd just deposited the items and left. Then, when she emerged, looking and feeling more human, wearing the outfit he picked for her, she found her apartment clean. Like, really clean. Even the tree that she couldn't bring herself to look at, much less decorate, was gone.

  Does he have magic elves or something? She thought with amazement when she looked at him, looking as fresh and handsome as if nothing had happened. Liam just smiled down at her, helped her into a low-heeled pair of boots, then ushered her out the door.

  She was still trying to catch up to her thoughts when they pulled into a parking space and Liam shut off the engine, then turned to face her. Reaching out, he gently brushed his thumb across her cheek, leaving a trail sparks in the wake of that simple action. She looked at him, dumbfounded, mind on the fritz, and he just smirked. One corner of that beautiful mouth turned up in amusement.

  "Come on."

  She felt the low rumble of his voice all the way to her toes. She stared after him as he climbed out of low-slung sports car, making his way to her side. What is happening? She thought in bewilderment. She blinked quickly, feeling like she both did, and did not, want to wake up from this dream.

  This is definitely weird. Myra thought as Liam led her toward the fair’s entrance. Weird and exquisitely wonderful. Liam slid her hand into his, their fingers intertwined, and she felt as if she were floating. Wasn't this what she'd wanted for so long? For him to see her as the woman she was and make her his? Is that what he was doing?

  What was he doing?

  She didn't know. Maybe that was why it all felt so strange. He hadn't said a word, just slid his hand across hers, lighting a fire where their skin touched. All the times she'd fantasized about Liam Anderson proclaiming his undying love for her, this wasn't even close to how she'd seen it happening. Every now and then she'd catch him studying her. When she asked “what?”, he just smiled and said he was thinking.

  He bought her hot chocolate and walked steadily beside her while she oohed and aahed over the holiday displays. When it was time for the lighting of the massive tree in the middle of the fairgrounds, Liam steered her to the perfect viewing location. When the tree lit up the night sky and she stared up at it with all the wonderment and awe of a child seeing it for the first time, she turned to Liam and gasped, "Oh, Liam, isn't it beautiful?". He didn't have to turn his head because he was already staring at her. “It’s the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He answered gruffly, bending his head until his lips were just an inch away from hers, his breath warm on her skin as he whispered, "I'm going to kiss you, Myra."

  Before her mind could comprehend this insane turn of events, Liam cupped her face in his big hands, threaded his fingers though her hair, and covered her lips with his own.

  God, they were just as soft as she'd imagined, but they were strong and firm too. Just like the man. Her heart that had skittered to a halt began to race in her chest like a runaway horse. She reached her arms up, wrapped them around his neck and cursed the gloves she’d put on. She wanted to touch him, to feel his skin beneath her fingertips the way he was feeling hers.

  Myra had had boyfriends. She'd been kissed and she'd kissed, but never like this. Those had been boys, playing at something they knew nothing about, but Liam. Liam kissed her like a man should kiss a woman. With conviction, urgency and control battling with one another. With a low groan he pulled his lips from hers and stared into her eyes with a darkness, an intensity that would have scared her if he was any other man. It didn't scare her though, it ignited her.

  "God, Myra." He whispered harshly, still cupping her face in his palms, resting his forehead against hers. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?"

  She didn’t. She was sure of it, but if he burned even half as much as she did, she was certain they would be explosive. She'd never been with a man, never wanted to the way she did now. Liam had always been the star of her fantasies and the boys she'd dated in high school and early college just couldn't compete.

  Unfair? Maybe. Or maybe she'd known all along that this was what she was waiting for. That he was what she was waiting for. The glow of that gigantic Christmas tree was dim compared to the glow that spread through her.

  Chapter 9

  Liam lay awake in a bed too big for one, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Myra. He didn't know what he'd been expecting when he kissed her, but he did know he’d been unprepared for fire she ignited, for the nearly overwhelming desire to take her right then and there. He'd known and fought his attraction for her since she was just a teenager. He'd taken many lovers, had a few girlfriends, but none had set his body and soul aflame the way Myra did. Even now, lying in a bed surrounded by nothing but cold sheets and the memory of her face, the way her skin felt beneath his palms, the way her lips molded so perfectly to his own, his body ached with need.

  He'd left her more than three hours ago. Dropped her off at her door like a gentleman, instead of throwing her over his shoulder and dragging her back to his cave. He'd wanted to. Oh, how he'd wanted to. And she would have let him, of that he was sure. The way she softened into him, responded to his advance, let him take their kiss where he wanted it to go and no further - yes, Myra was submissive, and now more than ever, he knew he could have her, would have her. He wasn’t going to let her get away.

  His mind was set. Myra would be his and his alone. The thought of another man's hands exploring her sweet body made his fists clench in possessive fury. Whatever boys she'd had before had been nothing compared to him. He would vanquish thei
r faces from her mind, the memories of them from her body, he would show her how sweet surrender could be.

  With a groan Liam rolled from his bed and padded softly to his office. It was obvious he wouldn't be sleeping tonight. He might as well get the wheels turning on his plan to make Myra Valentine his.

  Myra woke on Saturday morning feeling less than refreshed. She had tossed and turned for hours, replaying Liam's kiss, jumping back and forth between ecstasy and terror at the thought of how everything was changed with that one, heart-stopping, mind-blowing act. Her mind was a jumbled mess, nothing made sense. She needed to talk, so she dialed the people she knew could help her navigate this unknown territory.

  Her mom picked up on the first ring.

  "Hi, honey." Brenda Valentine’s greeting always made Myra smile.

  "Hi mom. Is daddy around?" Myra tried to sound upbeat, but her mom instantly caught the undertones of anxiety in her voice.

  "What's wrong, Myra? Did you hear something about Adam?"

  "No, mom. Nobody's been in contact with me." Everyone was a little frustrated at how long it was taking them to act on her case.

  "You know, we wish you would stay with us. We'd be so much more comfortable if you weren't alone." Her mom chided gently. "But here, your father's here now."

  "Hi, pumpkin." Her father's warm voice instantly soothed her frazzled mind.

  "Hi, daddy." She paused, unsure where to start now that she had their attention.

  "Just say it pumpkin." Her father advised, somehow always knowing how to read her. "We'll deal with whatever it is together, ok?"

  Myra took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, staring at the ceiling. Liam loved this family and they loved him. She didn't want to jeopardize that, but she needed her parent's advice.